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German as a second Language

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Have you ever considered studying a foreign language? Well, I strongly think you should. In particular, I would recommend the German language. Why, you would ask. For starters, German has the largest number of native speakers in the European Union (far more than English, Spanish, or French). Adding on to that, German is among the ten most commonly spoken languages in the world. Another fun fact about German is that German and English are similar. Both are Germanic in origin! Many words in German sound or look the same as equivalent English words, because the two languages share the same “grandparent.” Just to name but a few examples:Haus = house, Buch = book, Finger = finger, Hand = hand, Name = name, Mutter = mother, schwimmen = to swim, singen = to sing, kommen = to come, blau = blue, alt = old, windig = windy. Tell me why this language would be difficult to learn. When it comes to knowledge, Germans are up here. In perspective, a fifth of the world’s books are published in German, and few of these ever appear in English translation. Finally, many of the Western world’s most important works of philosophy, literature, music, art history, theology, psychology, chemistry, physics, engineering, and medicine are written in German and continue to be produced in German. We could go on and on about the millions of advantages of learning the German language but let us start with those few, shall we?

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